DFME - your reliable, dynamically-growing partner

At DFME we are constantly searching for reliable, innovative suppliers to co-operate with.

As a manufacturer of medium and large electric machines we focus on the development and upgrading of our products – generators and motors – while at the same time expecting that our qualified suppliers will develop with equal effort the manufacturing of the components and materials that they deliver to us.

Our business is based on single unit or small series production, thus the key value in our co-operation with our suppliers is flexibility and adjustment to market conditions.

Key components and materials bought by us:
Welded structures of different types
Laminations - stator, rotor and pole sheets
Copper, copper components and isolations
Forgings and castings
Bearings of different types

Our expectations of suppliers:
Short reaction cycle

General Terms and Conditions of Purchase of Goods and/or Services (Version 2017-1)

Should you be interested in starting a co-operation with DFME please contact us - e-mail: office@dfme.pl